Johnny Friendly

Slightly off topic - I was watching a Vincent Price movie the other day and started thinking a youngish Vincent Price would have made the best casting choice for Doctor Strange. Along with Christopher Lee for Baron Mordo… Basically I want this movie made by Hammer Films.

There used to be a really bad Savage Dragon cartoon. Not a movie, I know. But does that count?

- the AV Club

Here's the thing about Heinlein - all of his books are basically opinion pieces in SciFi wrapping.

He wasn't a conservative - read the Lazarus Long books… actually don't, they have a LOT of really weird sex themes.

What no Micronauts®?
You can't go to the microverse without having micronauts

I hate to sound like a tin-foil wearing nutcase - but the point of the “news” isn’t to inform, it to keep the masses in line. Its like the joke about growing mushrooms - keep them in the dark and feed them crap.

That Death of Magic story line in Dr. Strange was pretty good.
I'm sure Shugah would recommend Black Widow.
The Champions maybe? I think the second issues hasn't come out yet.

He'll be back with a robot arm and a thirst for revenge.
Along with a team of other folks that Wolverine Caitlin's maimed

What's an executive producer credit?
It's what you give your secretary instead of a raise.

Thanks Obama.

Are you 8 or 16?

And one where they body swap.

Byrne's Fantastic Four is the best. To me, it's the definitive run.
I was reading it as it was coming out.. so it was also my first exposure to them.

Or Neal Adams

It would really make me wonder about his issues with women.

Didn't John Romita (Sr.) have a cameo in that Spider-Man movie? He was a cab driver or something.

film costs explosion - I think that can be laid at feet of Cannon Films. In the late 80's they started paying huge sums for big name stars - and that snowballed to the rest of the industry.

Studio's often make movies they know are going to fail - they need them as a tax write off. That kinda sounds like this picture.

Guinness in America is brewed by Budweiser (which is why it doesn't taste as good as the import), so maybe?