Johnny Friendly

It's the name of the 47th and FINAL US President. Dunt Dunt DUNNN

No, she's a 45-year old disco queen. BIG difference.

Damn you dyslexia

Wasn't he the kid with "power" of understanding all languages?

Not doing it would be doing a justice to the viewers.
The only interesting thing was Thomas Wayne as Batman - and they won't go near that.

Kendra went back to her planet… and served coffee.

Hate watching? I gave up on that show, it was too dumb for me (and that's saying something).

A Secret Crisis Infinity Convergence War!

So No Tomorrow is about T.O. Morrow trying to find romance?

Legends of Tomorrow: That shows still on? What do you have to do to canceled on the CW?

The hookers make small talk?

Or the Six Million Dollar Man

Was that the one where MacGyver was in the old west and had all these steam-punk versions of modern crap? It was like a bad version of Brisco County Jr

Reboot the Dukes of Hazard as a procedural!
Meth dealers, crooked politicians, sex, murder, racism - this stuff writes itself.

It worked for Bo Derek

Wait till September when every review of Luke Cage will bemoan the casting of Iron Fist.

Was he the one with man crush on Captain America who went insane?
I would like to see the '50's Avengers with Jimmy Woo and Gorilla Man.

Like death could stop Xena.

Now she's free to play Captain Marvel.

Fun Fact: Axanar is Klingon for copyright infringement