Guardians of the Galaxy II: The Legend of Curly's Gold
Guardians of the Galaxy III: Smokey is the Bandit
Guardians of the Galaxy II: The Legend of Curly's Gold
Guardians of the Galaxy III: Smokey is the Bandit
I thought they said "You are, Number 6"
How is Slayground not a movie?
It's Die Hard in Disney Land.
My home town. Yeah - that sound's about right.
Change that to 1990. They don't like talking about GRD either.
Checks Netflixs - damnit neither Mannequin nor Mannequin 2: On the Move are streaming.
Not hipsters. Yuccie.
They couldn't get the rites to Captain Caveman?
there you go - remake Logan's Run with these two. Her life clock turns red - she runs - he chases - they fall in loveā¦
you can send me the check.
takes Footloose script and used Find/Replace to set location in space - and done.
Or if you are traveling, to see what the weather is going to be like in X.
Brian Blessed for Wednesday
Who was the guy who played "Bubbles" on the Wire?
Get the cast from It's Always Sunny
Get ready to hate the new FF movie for making Doctor Doom an angry blogger.
No, P.G. Wodehouse.
Yes - Squadron Supreme. Loved the Right to Die protestors outside that cryogenic center.
Next season it's Arrow vs The Ocean Master - 'cause that would make as much sense as having him fight Ra.
She'll be replaced by Beta Ray Jane.