That's Doctor Impossible I didn't spend four years in medical school to be called mister.
That's Doctor Impossible I didn't spend four years in medical school to be called mister.
I don't want to excuse sloppy writing, but maybe the door is coded to the Speed Force? Now, where can I pick up my No Prize?
Is that the radius of Vibe's dopeness?
To be fair, 90% of the Marvel book deserve to be canceled.
Yeah. Pair her with Moon Knight.
Is the show being called Agents of Spinoff?
You never heard of Steve Allen or Ernie Kovacs? Kids these days.
Yea, box office return = good movie
Sorry, were out of cream. Would you like your coffee without milk?
This being a Marvel - she's probably Crane Mother from on the Seven Cities of Heaven
Weekly World News?
Wasn't there an AI on that show Issac or something?
In Soviet Russia, MTV cancels YOU!
Wasn't World War 3 the Cold War?
Gorilla Man, 3D Man, Human Robot, Marvel Boy, and Venus fighting commies? I'm in.
Agents of Atlas?
I want to see a talking gorilla.
The man from Uranus
ya can't spoil shit.
Gestalt spider-man?
Nyssa turns to Ollie and says "You too?"
Oh! Can we do that, only with Laurel?