Johnny Friendly

I think it's that Arrow doesn't seem to have a story arch this season. Season 1 had the undertaking, Season 2 had Deathstroke, this season - nothing. Unless it's Laurel becoming the Black Canary - and if that's the arch, then the writers are pissing in the wind.


Face it, you are that guy.

I'd watch that. Only swap out Sara for wheelchair bound Barbara Gordon.

The movie with Bruce Cambell's daughter?

Lords of Light!
Timm was going to reboot Thundarr?

No, they let themselves die from easily treatable causes. And they don't bitch about it.

Dänikenits - people who believe the whenever an ancient civilization created anything impressive space aliens just had to be involved.

Which group?
People like Christian Scientists and the Amish who will accept the consequences of their actions without bitching, or the Whole Foods mob who will betray their convictions the minute they get the sniffles?

Reamde wasn't bad. Hated the Hollywood ending, and the epilogue gave me a cavity with it's sugary baloney.

or boi girls (or is that boi grrls?)

Now if only Netflix will add The Mogul to streaming…

Did you hear his backstory - short, fat, son of a politician.
He's Matter-Eater Lad!

Agent Oedipus Rex

the girl from Enterprise?

Can they stop calling him "The Streak" already?

It sounds more like a really lame version of the Hate Monger.

The Mole Man can be an evil dermatologist?

The Thing is orange because of a freak accident that happened while interning for John Boehner.

In Alba's defense, she really doesn't know how to act.