Johnny Friendly

Fight scenes where the 90lb girl faces off against the 300lb wall of muscle and proceeds to toss him around the room like a rubber ball.

White people who go to the ghetto to fix a failing school, that are initial rejected but eventually accepted - usually there's a scene with dancing wearing a du rag.

Beer give you a belly.
Whiskey keeps you lean.

You mean like how the hero won't go to the cops because some of them might be dirty?

The "hooker with the heart of gold" is an antique and should be put on a shelf - never to be used again.

I think it's the pairing of smart kids with adults that have room temperature IQ's that bugs me. You rarely see dumb kids with dumb adults or smart kids with even smarter adults.

I thought it was a gritty remake of Cannonball Run

I order Sanka

How about Max von Sydow?

How about we just need better writing?
Something with a plot that isn't paint by numbers. How about little character development. For a change of pace, I would like not to know what's going to happen at the end of act 3, 10 minutes into act 1.

Using that as the standard - I want to visit Showtimes Tutor England where everyone's an underwear model

I don't think Magento is Jewish. He's a Gypsy.

Agent Sterling McGuirk

Movies for people too illiterate for comic books. I like that.
It explains the success of people like Mark Millar and Michael Bay,


yes, a HBO treatment with 12 episode containing of the extras (Behind the Mask and Tales of the Black Freighter) would have been ideal.

Scott Bakula

Did they? I stopped reading the X-Men back in the 90's (too many characters like Maggot and Marrow). But, I do remember them turning Magento into a baby once, and then aging him to his 30's.

I vaguely remember a TV show from my childhood about a blonde Aztec waking up in the 20th century and he had some sort of solar powers… bring that back.
Or Manimal.

A Little House on the Prairie reboot along the lines of the comic book Manifest Destiny would be awesome. Plant Zombies, Buffalo Centaurs.