
I mean Greg “let me beat a woman and throw her on assault rifles” got a second chance. Why not CK? It’s easy to say he “can’t play” even though that is a load of hot garbage and he was on a crap team.

I bet they were ahead of schedule for construction for about half the time

My favorite thing I say to Anti-PCer’s is “No one is making you be Politically Correct, you’re just the one that looks like an asshole after you say the things you say”

No one knows what it’s like to be the BAT MAN....

Can anyone remind me did the GOP use the CBO projections to argue against the Affordable Care Act? I’m literally asking because my cursory internet searches are only returning stuff about what’s going on right now.

Oh my god he kept doing his little running finger thing on his palm. I had some pretty crappy seats but I could see him pacing and talking on the sidelines.

We did “Devil’s rain” for a weekly Bad Movie Club that I’m part of good lord is it hilarious.

Just to add on. It is incredibly easy for someone like me to come along afterwards and be a Monday Morning QB for the decisions President Obama had to make. I’m glad that it worked to turn around the economy. It still; however, does nothing to address the income equality that Hamilton brought up.

I’m not peddling a damn thing. I don’t think anybody was asking for a “free house” but help with being upside down on a mortgage that shouldn’t in good conscience been given in the first place yeah. That’s more money in people’s hands to help our economy grow. Here’s a participation award for the companies that got

Nicely done HamNo. I will say you hit on a lot of key points as well. As much as I love the Obama’s the financial recovery was a case of trickle-down economics. Instead of bailing out homeowners that were put in a bad situation we bailed out banks that put them in that situation with bad lending. The working

Nightwing is my favorite character bar none. This announcement makes me so freaking happy. I hope given the commercial/critical success of Lego Batman I hope McKay is given the green light to make the movie he wants to, and doesn’t have studio interference to deal with.

The only way this would work and what would make a fuck ton of money would be a co-produced BattleWorld feature. That way you don’t have to explain the continuities it’s just Fox-verse vs. Marvel-verse with betrayal and intrigue. It could be the biggest thing they ever do. Will it happen? Absolutely not.

Here in Indiana Todd Young won’t return emails, won’t answer phone calls, and he has refused to schedule a town hall. Must take $48,000 to get to talk to him.

Somehow that fucker failed upwards. I’m a Hoosier and I don’t get it.

No Mercy was the same engine & had more features. They are both great games though. Revenge had the best WTF? Video at the beginning with like Hogan driving a big rig through a graveyard only to see Sting standing with a torch. That shit was hilarious.

No, no, no we need to make the billionaires richer so then they in turn use their financial magic to bring us all up. Reaganomics “convincing poor people to make rich people richer”.

_I died of laughter_ +1

Seconded. Other than losing a few accessories my kid loves the Power Rangers line. Super durable & honestly I have fun playing with them with him so I might have to get this giant ass Bat Mech.

Okay Curt we get it. You still ain’t getting in the Hall of Fame.

Which one of them represents Notre Dame?