
Let us not forget that an evil Keebler elf was sworn in as AG, and proceeded to say he will put an end to “lawlessness” which if I were to guess is based out of Trump’s fake crime statistics. As a reminder he was too racist to be a federal judge in the 80's, but just racist enough to be the nation’s top law

Diarrhea is the actual worst. I’ve had an instance with my dog and my now 2 year old son when he was a baby. Both of them had the unsavory concoction of gas AND diarrhea which in both cases shot across the floor like a diet coke bottle full of mentos. When the baby did it I had not other recourse than to scream “OH

Brent Musberger deserves a second chance.....SECOND AND NINE

Somewhere Roger Goodell is doing the evil finger pyramid of contemplation.

I’ve only ever called my Mom “Mother” in a facetious manner.

I’m a Colts fan and I do not get the obsession my fellow fans had with Gruden (who got fired, I feel like I’m the only one that remembers this) & Manning (who has never ran a team before).

I had a heated argument with my Dad about this very subject. I told him I wouldn’t allow my son (2 years old right now) to play football until he was 18 and then it was his decision to make. My dad (who never played football BTW) went on and on about how I didn’t want to make my son a “Pussy”...blah, blah.

This is the best news possible! M&M is a big pile of suck.

I’m sure many teams would be happy to be “in hell” with Jimmy Butler and the ghost of Dwayne Wade.

Not to excuse the comments here, but is anyone else kind of fed up with the entitlement of “season ticket holder fans”. What gives them the right just to demand stuff from ownership? They are doing it to Irsay here in Indy too on Twitter. Not that I’m saying I disagree with their points, but as long as these

Good god, the transition from “Suck for Luck” to “Suck with Luck” has been remarkably seamless. I hate this team that I’ve followed my whole life.

He’s a heck of an all around football player. Not sure what’s going on in his personal life, but I’m sure he will still bring it on the field.

Of all teams how do the Pats land ass backwards into Michael Floyd? If he goes beast mode this offseason I’m going to be supremely pissed.

That’ll teach them for having a good team...haha

My favorite is the PC responses. Because god forbid we don’t be fucking assholes to one another. “The Golden Rule” is common among all Abrahamic religions and it’s just good policy. The best part is that the culture war is over and these people lost, and they still don’t realize it yet. So yeah Dickweed is the

It would be more productive to bang your head against a wall than engage. If you use facts & stats you are an “elite educated type” if you resort to low ball insults you are another “intolerant libitard”...I’ve had unproductive discussion with members of my family (mostly Trump voters) to the point I’m resigned to

I hope they draft Chad Kelly. I think with that talent and his Uncle’s involvement he could be a huge deal for Bills fans. That said I’m not a Bills fan so I don’t have any skin in the game, and I understand his off the field issues have become an issue in the past.

I hope to christ Paul George qualifies for one of the incentives then, because if he leaves Indy we’re boned.

God help me I think I like Boogie Cousins...