Johnny Clever

Jared Harris. It's so perfect it's almost TOO obvious.

Hey, guys, who should fight Church? The guy who can nerf explosions and bullets and who literally survived being ground zero of a freaking nuke with no damage…or the dude in a hockey mask?

That would be so fantastic. I've seen him twice on the Mandatory World Tour but I would love to see an originals only concert. That's the dream.

There's a point in your Weird Al fandom where you first realize that the pastiches and style parodies are far and away his best stuff. The direct parodies produce brilliance but it takes a special level of genius to write a song that sounds so much like a band that the band itself can't believe it, like with "Dare to

If anyone wants a laugh, check out the scene where Janet is giving Michael the lists of everyone who was present when garbage falls from the sky. After she gives him the short list she puts her hands behind her back and waits, then reaches, as someone hands her the larger stack of papers that she needs for the next

This feels like a good place to say I invented Scott Pilgrim. Or rather that Brian O'Malley and I had the same idea and he wrote it down in comic form and made money from it and I wrote it down as a story for my girlfriend. But it was super identical right down to the idea of all her exes teaming up like the Legion of

The difference between Marvel and DC is that Marvels heroes are either science-y or weird but people shrug and say "huh", and go back to their day jobs with no further thought.

I'm a sub! Oh my God, I have something in common with Beverly Goldberg…take that teachers who said I'd never amount to anything!

I'm here from the future of this episode to tell @willharrisinva:disqus of the past that not only will you get your Space Camp episode, but that the Weird Al on the mixtape will totally end up playing a role in a season 3 episode…how cool is that?!

I had (have) my own Big Orange. It's from when I did a community theater production of Big River, and anyway I was wearing it when I wiped out hard on a bike. My body was a wreck and the shirt got some tears in it, and I've kept it because it reminds me in a sentimental way of my ability to survive life's terrible

I was a 6 year old with a telescope and star chart when Space Camp came out, and I spent about two months after wards asking my mother, literally every day, "Mom can I go to space camp?" But we never had the money. Your show manages to capture these little parts of my childhood in such an awesome way so basically

Space Camp. Space Camp! SPACE CAMP! This show gets me in a way I don't know any other show ever has. God bless Adam Goldberg, is what I'm saying. Also, lastly, Space Camp!!

They don't??

Sigh…evolution doesn't proceed in "stages". That's right up there with the hoary old trope "humans only use 10% of their brains".

I'm the same way…generally hate everything Maroon 5 does equally, ie. they're all newly the worst song ever, but "Sugar" has a compellingly catchy beat, and it's weirdly pleasant to listen to when it comes on the radio.

In a perfect world this show and its cast would have multiple Emmys to its name. What's amazing is that going into an 8th season, where other sitcoms fall into the trap of making their characters into caricatures, a la Joey's devolution on Friends, The Middle is actually having Axl and Sue grow and change as they get

That was a perfect example of a joke getting funnier the longer it went. Every time it went around the circle I laughed even harder.

I know there's some kind of rule that only Modern Family gets to win Emmys, but can someone at least give Neil Flynn a damn nomination? His monologue about driving was so perfectly delivered. No scenery chewing, no histrionics, just a father coming to a beautiful realization about things. He's made Mike Heck one of

I am down for anything that gets more Tim Meadows and Bryan Callen on my television.

I love Stephen like he was a member of my own family, but I've got to disagree with him. Changing "America" into a back and forth between Anita and Bernardo gives him much more character development and makes him a much more relatable figure then the stage show where it's between Anita and one of her female friends.