Johnny Clever

I will fully confess that I feel like Donald Trump's best strategy is just to make the business of running this country so disgusting and terrible that we all basically throw up our hands and bid democracy adieu just so long as we never have to hear another conversation about elections. In all truth and honesty, in so

Oh, man, I'm the only one who responded to your comment who got a personalized response! Thanks, buddy. I fully confess that I don't see the future of the Democratic Party being Bernie Sanders, since he's not, you know, a Democrat. And the constant replaying of 2016 debates is exhausting and doesn't seem super

You do know even Bernie Sanders doesn't give as much of a shit about Bernie Sanders as his most rabid crazy supporters do? And I say this with the clear knowledge that Bernie Sanders would mow down a toddler in a golf cart (Bernie's in the golf cart, not the toddler) if he could get to a television camera to talk

These were the best recaps, and you can ask anyone in that damn locker room!

Will! "The whole world takes it's time from Greenwich. But Greenwich, they say, gets it's time from Admiral Boom!" It's right before Burt takes the audience to No. 10 Cherry Tree Lane!!! Great interview, as always, but deep and ever abiding shame on not knowing Admiral Boom!

Return of the Jedi was one of the first movies I ever saw in theaters. Just a little three year old I was. To have lived to see not only one generation of new films but now a second generation, it's an amazing feeling, getting to see this saga still unfold.

Same, mostly…it was 2 months from first date to engagement, but we were already talking marriage by date three.

I think one of the brilliant things in the opening scene is you see this woman wail on a room full of cops, just utterly curbstomping them…and then these guys in suits and sunglasses shows up and she's running for her damn life. When she dives through the window, down the stairs and pulls her guns out it's in a moment

I have a friend…friendly acquaintance?…who can say in these internet days. I'd talk to her if we bumped into each other at Target and I think it would be a pleasant conversation, so…

He was also one of the dancers/yoga people in the CBS weird al television show…when Al would go watch TV in the eyeball chair, it was one of the segments. I may be describing it poorly but if you've seen it you get it.

What I love about this show compared to the CW lineup (although I love them too, don't get me wrong) is how geeky it's allowed to be. A henchman with a facial bruise in the shape of a Green Lantern ring and the Riddler planning a tank based liberation of Arkham Asylum is just a perfect level of comic book action. I

Did anyone else get the strongest Jessica Jones/Killgrave vibe from Kara/Mxy tonight? British guy with the power of almost limitless control trying to get a girl to fall for him? I mean, obviously in a lighthearted CW sort of way and not the mind rape and real rape of "Jessica Jones" but yeah, that's totally what I

Even though she had glasses. And a ponytail. Oh, and paint on her overalls! Wooing the attached at the head twins would have been easier!

Yeah, it was like something where, since he'd gotten his powers from a haunted swamp or whatever, his body had bonded with plant matter and stuff so it was this whole "plant/undead" double whammy.

Yeah someone should have been like "How can he be the Olympian, the Olympian doesn't wear glasses, this guy does, duh!"

The original Green Lantern, Alan Scott, had a weakness to wood and other plant derived stuff. Lead to him getting knocked out by all manner of wooden bats and chairs.

I hope Husky Harris Chant Guy is feeling really good about himself this morning. I mean, wow, that used to be Bray Wyatt's gimmick, and he alone remembers it. Truly we should make him our king.

Did anyone else think that Mxy's appearance at the end of the episode looked like a Patronus at first? Like the effects team on supergirl called two cubicles down to the Potter people (in my head they all work in a quirky office, it makes sense) and just asked to borrow the effect.

I take it to mean Lex isn't just in like normal people prison. Or even "easily infiltrated for tv purposes DEO prison". He's in like super-super max, someplace for the worst of the worst with the most protection kryptonian and Wayne tech can offer.

I find it so weird to see Ford called the bad guy and the villain in the recaps. I empathize with him as much as any other character in the show, and I cheered in this episode when it turned out he'd been in control the entire time. Maybe it's because he reminds me so much of Walt Disney, if Walt had built a