Johnny Clever

That was perfect, because it went right along with him just appearing out of nowhere. If I could appear out of nowhere I'd probably have a random plate of tots too. So I think the lack of explanation actually makes the gag land better.

I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that. I thought I was going nuts at first.

Plus Smugglins sounds vaguely hobbity. That would have been brilliant.

That Wawa that they were in front of a few weeks back? I drove by a Wawa that looks exactly like that in one of the 500 suburbs around Philly on Easter weekend this year. My wife and I were geeking out because it felt so Goldbergsesque!


I never played D&D as a kid, because I went to a private Christian school and that would have been akin to inviting Satan into my house. But man did this episode make me wish like heck I had. Growing up twenty minutes from Philadelphia, Adam and his family feel so real. I think I went to birthday parties at houses

I liked him asking about Zoom too, which let him confirm he wasn't on Earth 2.

I know I'm late to this episode of the Goldbergs but if someone could agree with me that Barry riding the pony after sinking the putt was a Billy Madison shout out, considering this is a Happy Madison production, I'd feel really good about myself.

Kudos to Adam Goldberg and the Goldbergs for going with "King of Suede" instead of a more well-known Al song. That's a deep cut right there. And how cool was it that Al was doing a concert at the Mann, the very venue where I saw my first Al concert just last summer? All in Al(l), a top notch episode. And that's

This show would be death with another actor as Finch. McDorman owns the role and makes it work even in the episodes when the story has been a little weaker.

I checked the show out when it premiered because of the connection to the movie, which I enjoyed maybe 70% of, and because a weekly episodic show seemed like a better way to explore parts of what I thought made the idea of NZT so fascinating then the inherent limitations (pun intended) of a two hour film. Someone else

Wesen generally aren't that physically impressive unless they've had training to help maximize the advantages the animal side gives them. Underneath the woge they still have a human-ish body. Kick a badass wesen in the kneecap and they'll feel it, in other words. It seems to come down to knowledge. Hank sees human in

In the off-off-off chance that I called it, I'm going to claim so much credit. But I agree, you're likely right. I think it's just the Buffy thing and other tv shows kind of training me to look for hidden angles even when there are none.

I guess I never realized that. Oh well, that's why I'm Johnny Clever, not Johnny Know It All.

Yeah, I don't expect a middle of the road (pun intended) ABC sitcom to deal with those issues either. It just seemed interesting, and certainly with Brad's coming out the show hasn't been afraid to tackle the subject completely.

So I've gotta ask…did anyone see a little hint of Sue and/or the other girl getting a little bit of a crush going? Some of the dialogue seemed suggestive too, of finding yourself and trying new things, and they were both very complimentary towards each other. It brought back a few shades of Willow/Tara in the earliest

Consider it added to my list…always looking for good movies I haven't seen before.

Like a generic low level enemy out of a group. Like a random Foot ninja in TMNT, that kind of thing. Your average Stormtrooper is just a mook, a no name enemy to be cut down in great numbers by our hero.

I loved that, but at the same time I think a trained Jedi would still cut through those guys in seconds. Jedi reflexes are way faster then any generic Stormtrooper mook.

The trailer actually reminded me a little but of Human Centipede…I guess with the passive evil looking woman watching over everything. And the use of women in these kind of roles always seems jarring and unnecessary and gross.