Johnny Clever

Here's the thing: there's already enough grossness and evil out there in the world. An entire group of people who cut people's heads off for perceived crimes against their god. I know movies occasionally tell dark stories, and they show us important sides of ourselves we might not otherwise contemplate. This might be

Hey, now, the Phantom of the Opera was BORN disfigured. "A mask my first unfeeling scrap of clothing" and all that. Hashtag Broadway Nerd

According to her Twitter (which is great, and worth following), apparently yesterday was her birthday and she didn't think to get replacement coverage. No word yet on whether one of the other reviewers will cover it or if we'll just miss a week.

Wondering the same thing…I came looking for it this morning, and nothing. I'm going to be disappointed if it's been dropped, especially with no word about it in the Raw review, like, hey, sorry, but we got rid of it.

God, right? It was especially noticeable in the slow-mo replays that he was taking the bump mostly with his arms, and it made the move look much less effective, compared to the way, say, Neville took it last night.

3 cheers for Wilmington, DE! My birthplace and home for 35 years! And which, scaled up and swallowing a dozen or so miles of minor suburb in each direction would make a decent location for Metropolis.

Then I hereby remove the "roundabout" from my initial comment. It's more of a straight line descent.

Well, roundabout in the sense that his main notoriety leading up to his political career was his radio show and books. So he didn't go direct from SNL to the senate, in other words.

I would have liked an appearance, even pre-recorded, from Senator Al Franken, who in a roundabout way owes his political career to his start on SNL.