
Remember when they made you pay extra for the Schedules that usually came with Deluxe? Yea heck of a guy he is. Intuit sold Quicken after they screwed it up enough and didn’t want to do anything more with it. Great company he is running. Maybe he deletes his emails so he isn’t reminded of the stupid mistakes he has

Isn’t it area codes not zip codes?

I agree. That is the way I do it as well. Seems to work nicely. And you don;t get ruts in the lawn if it is a little soft one time.

I would also add to vary the pattern in which you mow. So go east to west and then north to south the next time. Add it a diagonal every now and then.

I can tell you with authority that the store brand ‘Golden grams’ or not the same as the General Mills Golden Grams. The ingredients may be similar on the box in name only but they are not the same and they are not made in the same manner creating a much different product.