John Nevill

Clive Deamer is absolutley breathtaking. The man is a machine and it’s one of my absolute favorite parts of seeing a Radiohead show. I was at the Friday show and I wish he had more to sink his robotic teeth into, as most of the songs he was stuck shaking a tambourine. But Damn, when he sits down at that kit and starts

They aren’t the 4%. They are mostly the 96% but just haven’t lived their entire life yet. Which makes them even more naive, myopic, pathetic, and eyeroll inducing.

And BMW drivers for that matter. I’m betting the venn diagram has some major overlap.

Slim? I live in the Chicago area and my hands are gloved for at least three months of the year. Especially in my cold car.

Or regular nachos are deconstructed and this is the real deal.

where it bends is the knee. Indeed. Where it bends. Is the knee. I love this comment. Carry on.

You mad.


Perhaps Charleston, WV should change it's name so there is less confusion.

What's a West Verginia?

People still have CD's?

What the hell is spotify doing that they haven't integrated with chromecast yet. Missing the boat...

Proud gray here! There, I've said it. I'm out of the closet and I don't care!

We will all die when this stool cracks under the weight of a big butt. We might be ok, but I feel, in this day and age, it is far more safe to assume the worst. It will crack, and even if it doesn't it will tip over. Especially after a few pints of whiskey. Yea I said pints of whiskey. Assume the worst. That's what I

It is making it less douchy though. Douchey? Douchy? (sp?) Anyway... The dongle joke stands, white dude forgetting that non-white dudes don't feel comfortable in the white-dude space making white-dude jokes around non-white-dudes. Cluelessly distasteful at best, stupid and sexist at worst.

I agree. She handled this poorly, but SendGrid has made a mistake. They have lost a solid employee (by all accounts) and folded to pressure from sexist assholes. It's shameful.

Every mis-step was not made by her. Granted, she should have just turned around, rolled her eyes, and given these sexist dickbags some shame that might make them rethink their asshattery. The major mis-step in this saga has been made by the poor little boys that get their feelings hurt anytime someone brings their

Quieter... like she didn't have to tell thousands of people using a picture of the sexist dick-jokers. Quieter like, email or DM pycon to remove the sexists from the audience, or just turning around, rolling her eyes, and perhaps shaming them into realizing that they were being sexist jerks. Richards does have quite

How come the link to the source article just links back to this page?

How much Watchmen can a Watchman watch if a Watchman could watch Watchmen?