John Mora

There are no rules in Doctor Who. Anyone who's been watching the show since it came out of mothballs should know that by now. It deals in playground logic.

If they do end up going the toute of seriously examining what mental illness would look like in a post-apocalyptic setting I would be very intrigued. Some good messages out there that just cuz Melissa is January Jones doesn't mean she didn't need meds before.

How self-absorbed is Archie to not even notice that his best friend is homeless and sleeping at his night-job?

It doesn't appear to be available for Playstation VR yet…

I frequently think of that Liberace piece because, c'mon.

It also doesn't seem like she can help herself…

I had the same reaction, I thought Chip was literally clowning the way he knew how and Trinity's version of clowning seemed like it was going to be pretty limp.

I really liked her and I thought that her and Chip had friction because Chip was so much better at clowning than her, not because he was a show-stealer.

The one in Kansas City, Missouri I go to was advertising a "wild spicy" variant.

A mix of fried chicken patty and ground beef would be disgusting, though.

I actually enjoy it fairly well, I was hoping there would be some discussion here of exactly how hot the spicy version of this delicacy is.

Could be worse; could've been Quest for Fire.

Yes, I presumed we all agreed on the general awfulness of Funko Pop in general. Looking at these replies, I gather we still have a long way to go.

WHO would want this? Who wants a figurine representing the decaying corpse of a sexually-abused teenager sitting on their shelf?

I thought for sure when we saw all the plushies in Gutierrez' room that Voiello was going to blackmail Gutierrez about being a furry or something.

I call it: gaywakening.

What you got instead was something symbolic. It's fairly coherent if you pay close attention.

He hardly even interacts with Mari.

I suspect many people frustrated with Evangelion's ending had a mistaken idea of what Evangelion was in the first place.

Evangelion's ending worked.