John Mora

I shouted, "FUCKER!" at my TV when it showed up.

In a 2014 interview he also said he recognizes that movies about sexual abuse and incest don't really pack the multiplexes.

Lynch has said he wrote the whole thing as one script so I don't think he added "padding" to make it to 18 episodes.

Which Diane echoed when talking to Bad Coop :O

I can't imagine they'd have him suggest it if it wasn't at least somewhat intended to be the case!

Exactly, the moment that she has BOB on top of her and his face switches to Leland's, she fully understands what's happening to her and can't hide from it anymore and that's when she starts her final descent into her own personal hell.

If it's any consolation, according to The Secret History of Twin Peaks, Dr. Jacoby had his license revoked due to the fact that Laura was his patient and he couldn't see any of this coming.

In the TV series they literally say that BOB is "the evil that men do."

Seems like you're forgetting the fact that Leland very definitely frequented prostitutes specifically picked because they looked like his daughter and that in FWWM he tells Laura right before BOB kills her "I thought you knew!"

There definitely has been, according to numbers, but apparently it's been slightly climbing up from that precipitous drop.

Boo to you, sir.

It's especially sad because the audiobook of The Secret History of Twin Peaks gave Tammy a lot of charm and personality.

Except we see Cooper interview HDS about Desmond's disappearance…

It's funny but I am 1000% ready to put this storyline to bed and have him regain his identity. If the series ends in the final episode with Cooper only just getting himself back to normal I will be fairly upset.

Yeah, his records, along with Cooper's, Windom Earle's and Kiefer Sutherland's character from FWWM, are apparently "confidential" according to that book.

If they ever wanna go full-Twin Peaks, they certainly have the ability to.

They mention in the first couple eps that he's a sophomore in high school. We normally don't have a problem accepting that these actors in their mid-20s are playing teenagers, but when the fictional age of the characters become an important plot point it starts to call into question the suspension of disbelief…

I would say that Archie's most defining characteristic (other than the color of his hair) is his support of his friends. This meant that his character in Riverdale didn't really work as long as he was segregated into the Ms. Grundy storyline for half the season, especially when it wasn't clear if the show realized how

Archie isn't a very complex or smart character in the comics, either…

I blame the reviewer for getting the BBQ Bacon with the burger. It's much better with the crispy chicken. Half the BBQ Bacon review was just slamming the patty quality.