John Mora

Agreed. It's fun when Zorn isn't the only Zephyrian in their stable of characters they can trot out. Also it's way too sad that this guy led a life of addiction and self-destruction only to have his best friend accidentally kill him right when his life was looking to get back on track.

I genuinely smiled at that one, which is rare for me even with comedies I like.

As someone who's worked in psych hospitals, trust me, the poor don't magically receive better treatment.

I meant the actor~

Speaking of Ragman, he's def gay, tho, right?

I liked the mind palace fight between Holmes and Moriarty at the climax~

I feel like we should be less precious about Sherlock Holmes. I rarely hear people crying, "This isn't Stoker's Dracula!"

But… that wasn't what happened?

Why on earth did she hand Do What U Want, a song about keeping your individuality in a world that seeks only to objectify you, to R. Kelly of all people?

5'8" is the worldwide average… ;__;

EdTV being accidentally deleted off of IMDB and no one noticing.

From the Hulu FAQ page:

The glorious age we live in where two women holding hands is considered a brave, controversial political statement.

Season 5's Michael Scott Paper Company is a series-best arc!

Honestly i wanted the series to end with Jim and Pam's divorce. I cheered when Mr. Boom Mike appeared.


Certain shows still have commercials on the 11.99 tier, tho

I've lived here my whole life and I feel it's really started to pick up steam in the last five years, with them actively courting development of their downtown entertainment district, Google Fiber, street cars, etc.

KC isn't even that big, but everything east of Gillham…

I live there too and wonder what he meant by hating KC…