John Mora

It was Quantic Dream, the people who ended up making Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain.

But also unlike those prestige shows, it actually completely redeemed Jack in the end~

It made my heart soar to hear Jack sticking up for Locke like that. I had been waiting for a proper dressing-down of MiB all season long!

What I like most about the flash-sideways is that conversation between Jack and Locke, where Jack tries to convince Locke to let go of his father. Oh, and when Jack tells his son that he'll love him no matter what. Makes me tear up just thinking about it~

Well, as in real life, if someone's acting like they know everything they are, in fact, full of shit. It's more accurate to say that Jacob knew the MOST.

I don't think anything in Season 6, which I believe has its problems, can even come close to touching Bai Ling.

My list is 4>5>2>6>1>3.

It's an incredibly strong one, but I think I still prefer the relentless forward momentum of Season 4.

I still think the low point of Season 6 was all the post-Temple character positioning for the finale.

Well, the flash-sideways work for me on a character development/thematic level rather than a plot level. I could say that about almost everything in the show, though.

I have a friend who had gone through a bad breakup and so we ended up watching Lost together as a way to help him through things. The recurring message of the show to "let go" really seemed to resonate with him at that time, as he was still holding on to a lot of emotion directed at a person who was through with him.

…Why? How?

What about grate rooms?

More Hairy Barry Burton, please.

I almost thought the same thing before I thought about it for a few seconds more.

It took me a moment to realize you weren't talking about the Resident Evil film series in that first paragraph.

But you can also just pay for that one episode, right?

What makes that more palatable to you?

From what I understand, from a logistical standpoint, episodic games present their own special challenges to developers, because you basically need everything in the engine already working the way it's supposed to be for Episode 1 and if you wanna meet your deadlines for the next episodes, everything needs to be

There's at least one that I think really stung considering how rarely they were used throughout the season. You might know which one I'm referring to…