Gluten-free Rob Ryan

I’m just anxious to watch Geguri. Plus it’s cool to root for the underdog. Go Dragons! They’ll get their stuff together.

You’re not alone, I enjoyed the hell out of Ghosts. IMO the best COD since MW2.

Ever since OW league started, I’ve been inspired to play Winston because of Muma. And the game has never been more fun for me.

I can’t remember being more excited for a vinyl. My God the decepticon one is pure bliss.

God that was such a good episode.

Garfield’s prada scene though. Man I remember getting the chills during that one.

Michael Jai White seems A-ok in my book.

I seriously thought I had heard it all. I’ll never hear anything quite like “pubic acupuncture” ever again in my entire life. Until the next victim comes forward, of course. My god.

Still a better jump shot than Lonzo.

The grace, the form, the humanity.

Great piece, Michelle. But I must say, my favorite part of articles on Mr. Rodgers are the comments. It warms my heart to read all the stories people tell of when they were young and how they remember him. It’s sad, but up until recent years I had gotten so caught up in my hectic adult life that I had almost

Oh my GOD Los Angeles Slippers. That’s it, shows over.

I absolutely cannot wait to be able to pick her 6 months after her release.

I can feel the nerf already lol.

I was really intrigued by the Emre character myself.

There’s also no reason to sport a stand-alone goatee.

You’re a brave soul for taking this left wing lynch mob to task. +1 every comment. Bravo and have a great weekend.

That kid looks 30 so they guy probably thought he was an adult. Still, what a fucking scumbag. I’ll never attend any soccer match on any level.

Did this dude really use a hashtag in that letter? That will get custody denied right off the bat.

Greatest name since Boaty McBoatface