Except you would be wrong, you intentionally ignored the reason why fans are upset and dismiss their grievances. typical dismissive SJW attitude.
Except you would be wrong, you intentionally ignored the reason why fans are upset and dismiss their grievances. typical dismissive SJW attitude.
They may want to redo the cherub design because to me it just looks like its holding a bag with a cock and balls drawn on it.
The liberal bias on this website is disgusting. How do you expect freedom-loving patriots to be able to defend themselves from the tyranny of paying too many tokens for Cruisin’ USA or not getting the correct amount of skee-ball tickets back?
I thought it was weird right after Lee’s pick-6 when Stafford ran over to the ref and started shouting, “I have a daughter!”
Come the fuck on.
“Smart move. You can cash in those unused timeouts at the end of the season for boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts.” - Andy Reid
It’s not a “puff” piece, it’s a straight-up slanted biased take on how a multi-millionaire tennis player decided to take a minor tennis infraction that had no practical effect on the match and turn it into a full-fledged “woe is us women“ moment, and in the process ruined the day for another woman.
You’re too good at sarcasm. Please stick a /s on the end of subsequent posts so people realize you are kidding.
This is the only fair take. I’m guessing upon reflection Serena may admit the same, once she’s cooled off. She was getting beat, and didn’t like it.
Can we please stop with the Serena worship? She’s a titan of tennis, a superb athlete, but she’s not without flaws, without her faults. She’s petulant, and this isn’t the first or worst instance of abusing an official in her career.
Fuck Art Rooney II and the Steelers. Fuck Pouncey and his brother for supporting Aaron Hernandez. Get yours Le’Veon.
Nah everything has to be racist or the site wont keep running.
Agreed. 100%
But I have to tell you something. The Root and it’s writers ARE the trolls. They got me. And they got you. And we are feeding them our clicks. Most of their views are rage clicks and they know it. It’s the only explanation for how such smart people can be so consistently dumb.
They are feeding people who…
No one co-opts shit unless you let them.
He’s just doing his job as a lawyer... he’s showing that he his sympathetic and understanding of the prosecuting side. You don’t want them to be enemies, get your lawyer to come to even ground with the prosecutors and get deals. It’s also code for “I completely disagree with my client, but I have to do my best to…
Isn’t that what Aziz Ansari did immediately following the article that tanked him - it was said he reached back out to the woman and apologized personally and profusely - and yet... he’s still not forgiven?
So you’ll pay more money in taxes to allow child rapists and killers to have a nicer time in prison? Good luck selling that to most people. If anything these people are already too much of a drain on our system. They have done nothing but take from society and yet they still want more. Don’t lump the rest of us in…
As a dad of four kids I'm afraid I need to tell those folks I'm sorry about your circumstances, but back of the line...