"Dude, this is Jezebel."
"Dude, this is Jezebel."
I just happened to see your comment, so no problem responding to the wrong person.
An MA in Philosophy, eh? Well, um, try putting it to some use, rather than just dismissing an argument by calling it "crappy" or "based on nothing" or whatever other garbage that is not actually a logically argued objection. :)
"To teach anything but scientific theory in a science class is just wrong for our kids."
"I never, ever made such crappy arguments based on nothing."
And someone else steps in and politely says that both are committing the naturalistic fallacy:
"most people simply read far too much into it."
"We don't need to hand any more ammunition to the weirdo Christian gay deprogrammers out there."
Maybe part of it is because there is still a perception in our culture that men are just sex-driven creatures who can't help but think with their penises ("Men have needs!"), and therefore any male who has not had sex by a certain age isn't a Real Man(tm).
And that point was stupid.
"No church attendance until 18. Child services can remove a child if the home is deemed 'too religious.' "
When people advocate a world government, they usually have one thing in mind: centralization of power in order to pursue grand projects that they want to accomplish. For example:
There is a human tendency toward utopian visions, and a world government is just another one. People who advocate for a world government seem to have a belief that it will be the "end of history" and it will solve all of our problems. But it misses one vital truth: ALL governments eventually become corrupt and…
Yeah, as much I like the idea of nuclear disarmament, it's a pipe dream. The genie is out of the bottle, as it were, and there's no putting it back in. There are two broad reasons why:
Oh, there's no doubt that both establishment liberalism and establishment conservatism are managerialist within specific political spheres. I was making a specific point about how modern progressives are true to their own managerialist roots, despite your contention that they've "changed" since the early 20th century.…
Yes, they've changed a bit since then. As I noted above, they are no longer allied with Culture Warriors, even though it was the evangelical-revivalist Culture Warrior spirit that drove many of the Progressive reforms — the good and the bad.
"And this idea has roots that go back pretty far in pop culture history. In the 1950s, conservative crusader Fredric Wertham almost destroyed the U.S. comics industry by popularizing the idea that reading comic books led to juvenile delinquency and Batman-inspired gay sex."
"don't go around saying that you care about issues that primarily affect men when there isn't any activism for it."
Yeah, I agree. It's one of the reasons why I'm interested in both feminism and men's rights. They're ultimately human rights.
"Because here at Jezebel we understand that rape is rape is rape is rape and no qualifiers are necessary."