"But God could not have made a universe in which a red rose is a colored thing, which is necessarily true, and which would be a contradiction if not true."
"But God could not have made a universe in which a red rose is a colored thing, which is necessarily true, and which would be a contradiction if not true."
"If you admit "nothing prevents an atheist from reasoning this way", your original post is moot."
"An omnipotent god could change his essence as could he change the laws of logic."
One more thing, which I almost missed —
"No, it shows that you and the person who wrote that need to understand what language is. Language evolves along with common usage."
"I would not limit the definition of science such as you have."
"The scope of science is the study of everything."
"Sorry, but 2+2=4 is definitional."
"Like many others I simply do not see any appreciable testable evidence to support the 'god' delusion..."
"But this judgment requires a mind, and is not objective as a result."
Although the image of the textbook above is an example of poor philosophy/theology, the three "schools of thought" listed on that page were, I thought, a bit of a redeeming quality. There is nothing logically inconsistent between evolution and a belief in God (or, as that textbook calls "theistic evolutionism").
"You either get to feel good, to avoid feeling bad..."
"I frankly disagree with his characterization of it as 'objective' "
Avoiding guilt can spur one to action. But it would be a mistake to assume that is a primary motive, otherwise you still end up with the same logical fallacy: Just because one may feel guilt when not performing a good act, it doesn't mean that person performs a good act in order to avoid that guilt, and not primarily…
Even if we define "feeling better" as a benefit, it does not logically follow that just because one receives this benefit as a consequence of performing a good act, that they performed it in order to obtain that benefit, and not primarily to benefit someone else.
"Human beings ... are capable of being ethical and moral, without religion or dogma." (Humanism)
Very good video. I've watched several other videos from GirlSaysWhat. She's good.
"Do you suppose that the moralist who considers homosexual behavior despicable feels any less contempt for individuals who harbor same-sex attraction upon which they do not act? I'm guessing not."
"Aquinas strikes me as a classic example of a theologian who spent his life brilliantly attempting to determine such trivia as the number of angels which could fit comfortably on the head of a pin."
Make sure to check out M83's third and final installment in the trilogy, "Wait":