John-Mark Henry

" If one hears the phrase, 'men's activist for...' it conjures up the idea that it is a group for men."

"Why do they have to be 'men's activism'?"

Feminist activists have prioritized certain issues over others (reproductive rights is probably the most important for them right now). There is, of course, nothing wrong with prioritizing issues; if one thinks of activism as warfare, then one must choose their battles.

Well, then I look forward to the next Jezebel article, "Fuck you, male prison rapists."

As a man interested in both feminism and men's rights, I would like to co-sign this comment. Very well said.

"You kinda missed the part where we're all enhanced anyways. I'm blind without my glasses."

Heh. I meant One Percent. Feeling out of it today.

"But where the violence will come will be when the 'normal' majority decides that the 'enhanced' minority is a threat to their 'leadership' - unless we act to prevent such inequality in the first place."

"The future brings a crapload of changes, but they are rarely the ones that people predict."

"But as the report notes, many of these technologies will only be available to those who are able to afford them. The authors warn that it could result in a two-tiered society comprising enhanced and nonenhanced persons..."

"I'd bet that Searle is wrong."

"I feel sure enough that mind uploading is scientifically valid enough to make a bet on it."

"Not sure enough to put some money on it?"

"As you may recall, we've had this discussion months ago..."

"What I want to depart from is my human body and brain, into a nonandroid body and brain."

It's amazing (and fascinating) that the mere suggestion homosexuality may not have a genetic basis has produced such fierce resistance from so many people here — not for any scientific reason, but for obviously political reasons. Such information would no doubt disrupt many political agendas, and we just can't have

"mandating that all secular books on the planet be destroyed and turning back collective human knowledge a few thousand years"

Nicely done, sir. Of course, I've actually heard people make such horrific arguments. Sometimes satire can't keep up with reality.

I have no problem with opposing the teaching of creationism in science classrooms. That is not the issue. But when one sits back and feels superior — and believes they are the only ones who use "facts" and "reason" — then it's easy to slip into reactionary fundamentalism and missteps in basic logic, which is what new

In this case, the point is: monopolies suck. Competition is good.