John the Wet Blanket

I will believe this actually saves money when I see the numbers after a few years. No, not the numbers after losses from “bugs that were patched” are removed from the chart. No, not the numbers which exclude the cost of the technical support personnel that are not assigned to one particular store but serve several.

It took forty years for Roy Moore’s victims to come forward

Pro-life was fringe among Protestants in living memory. When I was a child it was fringe among Protestants. It took it less than a decade to move from the Southern Baptist Convention praising Roe v Wade to becoming their signature wedge issue. The people pushing the “IUDs and hormonal contraceptives are

I do. They are saying IUDs and hormonal contraception are abortifacients. Read this article at “intellectual” National Review saying so. No amount of facts will sway them. They are trying to stop contraception by redefining it as abortion.

Lol, a kiosk is going to make the sandwiches, hand food out and sweep the floor?

Inflation is the boogey man they have been trotting out to scare the working poor since...1980?

So what you are saying is you don’t understand McDonald’s economics? At those restaurants, the cost for labor including wages, Social Security, worker’s comp, liability insurance, etc. is 20% of sales in a mediocre-performing restaurant. So in McDonald’s doubled labor costs, that $1.90 double cheeseburger would be

So, if I am reading this right, sexist slurs just bury all the other slurs at over 3% of Tweets in some places while anti-gay come in at <0.2% and anti-black and anti-Hispanic come in at <0.1%. People are at least embarrassed to say the n-word, but apparently not the b-word.

ETA: did not check the date. Please

Logical “end”? No, I doubt this is the end of it. Right now I am observing a large, coordinated campaign to discredit the FBI (not over any of the many actual wrongs they actually did in their history, of course). I see a raft of GOP primary challengers that make ol’ Jesse Helms look moderate. 44% of Republicans

Dammit, I have used Sudafed more than twice and I am sure I have used ibuprofen at least three times, too. I guess I will have to hang around parties and family and listen to soundtracks of Broadway musicals.

I think you are correct.

Social media dates only. If you have some younger girl too smitten with you to see what an asshole you are or use “Seeking Arrangement” then you are cool.

In the FB feeds commented on by my right wing friends, lots of commenters seem to think Fox is “mainstream” and even “leftist.” Their standards are Breitbart, Milo Yiannopolous and such, so Fox looks wishy-washy.

Yep, I have seen it here in Texas.

The polls were pretty accurate at gauging the popular vote. Within state polls are the least accurate and that is where they failed.

Why do you think so many men get in stitches over men being fired for sexual harassment, but not about getting fired for stealing from the company? Because they never stole from the company but remember acting like a lot of the men who got fired for sexual harassment.

They should be demanding that cops head on a platter

He does understand accountability. He was removed from office twice for violating the law.

There is a difference between voting in legislatures like you don’t care sometimes and actively seeking to destroy.

We need to convince people to show up on election day. Evil loses when lots of people show up. Guillotines get turned on the political enemies of those in power who coopt the language of the revolution.