John the Wet Blanket

ACPeds is a small organization of mostly non-practicing physicians who say it is okay for parents to force children to be heterosexual, claim religion is an important part of child development and advocate against sex education

I have dealt with Uber Eats. They improved their app a lot while I worked there, but they clearly never field tested before deploying. Some problems:

As y’all know, none of his supporters will care because it was never, ever about “low-earning” immigrants keeping wages down. It was always about race. They have no problem with a blond Scotswoman

Jon Stewart said his favor show from childhood was The Banana Splits.

What did you just say? Did you just say “After 2 coerced confessions of a crime where he would later be proven innocent, this railroaded man confessed again to the people who railroaded him earlier so it is his own damn fault because no way can I conceive that he was possibly coerced a third time because patterns of

Dude, you have no idea how parole boards in New York operate. Read some fucking law blogs about how New York state parole boards operate outside their legal mandates and mistreat prisoners. They will not consider parole unless a person says they committed the crime. They do not give a fuck if a person is legally

The reason she focuses on the predictable departures of a “based on a true story” script from reality is that she cannot defend her actual actions of believing false confessions many local journalists were calling unreliable, back gross misrepresentations by the police and ignoring inconvenient evidence

You do realize the important distinction in the behavior of Republicans who back Trump and those who feel Trump is overreaching and express concern?

Pandering Israel’s fanboys and fangirls (especially those who think Israel will bring Armageddon and the destruction of all Jewish people) is not the same as being controlled by.

The IRS already does your taxes to check your work.

If I have a printer I can do the paper filing thing easy enough. I don’t. The paper documents are no longer available at post offices and such. I used to do it by paper every year until they disappeared. Now I have to try several each year to get one for free.

“Open to” decriminalization? Sounds like the words of a man about to do nothing. I’ll believe it when I see it.

the guards are outnumbered by the inmates eighty-to-one? JFC, how has there not been a massive escape by now?

Hi. I live in Texas. It will flip a few seats in the state legislature and a couple of congressional seats are vulnerable. For statewide, this is the state that loves Dan Patrick who might be the most incompetent and vile legislator in the nation (I know he is technically Lt Governor, but in Texas the LG position is

No, they are not. Centrists are not Republican. Centrists are not voting to confirm Betsy DeVos. Centrists are not voting to gut the ACA. Centrists are not voting for the massive tax giveaway to the rich funded by the shrinking Social Security surplus. Centrists are not doing everything they can to remove women’s

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As I have written before, Donald Trump is a light grenade.

There is no meaningful economic difference between Amazon paying New York $3 billion less than they would normally owe and Amazon receiving $3 billion from New York. It has the exact same effect.

Let’s discuss the merits of the deal, then:

From everything I have read, the consensus is that people who exercise regularly are mostly people who enjoy exercise. It is their hobby. Making exercise interesting is the largest barrier to more exercise.

From everything I have read, the consensus is that people who exercise regularly are mostly people who enjoy exercise. It is their hobby. Making exercise interesting is the largest barrier to more exercise.