John the Wet Blanket

Exactly. Beat me to that point. Feudal systems placed a lot more obligations on the leaders to the workers than Republicans want employers or political office holders to take on.

Codswallop. The guy with 35% of the voting stock was the owner. I was an owner in the same sense my Senators work at my pleasure. All my shares got me were dividends.

I worked for a company that was 65% employee owned so the owners could not pay themselves dividends without paying us. I made a lot of money from that, even with only a couple of years of stock (employees received stock as a function of total hours worked). It was, by far, the best-run company I had ever worked for.

I missed the part where I wrote all Alabamans loved Sessions and Moore. Only most Alabamans who vote love dominionist misogynistic white supremacists like them.

Alabama gave us Jeff Sessions. It is about to give us Roy Moore. I wish it were irrelevant.

Presidential candidates are already excluded from ballots in Federal elections by state laws. For example, Stein was excluded by at least 3 states in the last election. How are you going to tell me something that has already happened in numerous previous elections will never be allowed?

The white supremacy hype machine has been successful in driving the narrative that BLM is a terrorist organization and POC have bought into it.

I predict massive breakdowns very quickly. Maintenance costs and lost sales from broken machines will sink the venture.

Are you an attorney? Because an attorney I talked to said those documents make lawsuits more difficult. He [arrogantly] told me he would never work at a place that made him sign one of those.

As I learned, former employers can, under some circumstances, lie about how long you worked there. Employers can opt out of worker’s compensation, tell employees they have to follow safety rules and then have the supervisors order you to violate the safety rules. Employers can compel you to sign contracts that not

Don’t know. Never saw the movie. Yeah, Summers leaves many reasons for contempt. I agree with that point. I brought up Harvard’s woes in particular because Summers’ incompetence was in his area of “expertise.” I would not pay attention to anything he says outside of analyzing economic statistics because he is so

Larry Summers is a piece of garbage that has, at best, not made things worse and often ruined everything he managed. He succeeded in putting Harvard in a position where it had to get a bailout to pay it’s utility bills. HARVARD. Because he is a creature of ideology facts-be-damned and overruled the professionals

They have successfully expunged GW Bush from their minds. There was Obama and before that there was Clinton and before that there was St. Reagan.

Police unions are like this. Guys like this are elected by the membership to lead them.

They spent time on garbage like this in the legislature to avoid dealing with Texas’ long term structural deficit. By the Texas Constitution, legislative sessions are less than 150 days every 2 years. Not spending time on garbage forces them to address substantive issues which the Republicans in particular are

Thanks for the link collection. It gets exhausting to track down all the facts when my right wings buds start vomiting Fox or Breitbart talking points.

Police unions tend to endorse Republicans. It was consistently like that when I lived in Wisconsin. They only ever endorsed Democrats in areas where the Democrat primary was the real election.

Rick Warren and James Dobson have a lot more fans, tbh. I would wage a lot more College Republicans praise Warren and Dobson than Cernovich and Yiannoplis.

Rogers Co, OK: 75% white in the 2010 census. The majority of the rest live on Indian reservations. For the Sheriff’s Office jurisdiction and voters, 75% is an understatement. Shelby is probably a hero there.

anyone who decides to work for him deserve any shit that gets splattered on them