After the Genarlow Wilson debacle, Georgia created a close in age exception to age of consent laws of 4 years (among other changes) and made it a misdemeanor (not statutory rape) if the older one is under age 19. Ergo, 17 and 14 is not illegal.
After the Genarlow Wilson debacle, Georgia created a close in age exception to age of consent laws of 4 years (among other changes) and made it a misdemeanor (not statutory rape) if the older one is under age 19. Ergo, 17 and 14 is not illegal.
And for god’s sake, why are taxpayers paying for the kids business travel!
I regret that I only have one star to give to this idea.
Oh, I know lots of “moderate Republicans.” They disagree with the crazy shit Republicans in office do, let me know they disagree with it and vote Republican, anyway. “Moderate Republicans” are people who profess to hate just about everything Republicans do in office but vote for them, anyway.
No, that is not an adequate nor accurate summary. There were several examples given on when/how it is okay to talk to a woman you do not know.
Look at any parody of religious right nutcases and see what these fictional caricatures have said. Then, look up Dan Patrick on the matter. Dan Patrick is a living caricature of the religious right nutjob.
"If someone's life really is in danger at the time of the killing, regular self-defense laws should be able to cover it"
"A kid was arrested in texas for saying something dumb during a LoL game to a Canadian. The police went and arrested him and held him for a very long time, I don't know how it ended, but the police work for you and are there for you."
"using an IUD allows the egg to be fertilized and then causes a miscarriage"
"In this case, what's incredible is that she's missing a part of a really critical part of the brain that people can't typically do without"
"can you imagine if the roles were reversed?"
First, don't look at the worst cases in order to understand a policy. Look at typical cases or what abuse a policy is intended to prevent. Paid administrative leave serves a very important purpose: it prevents whistle blowers in police misconduct from being fired over a citizen complaint or being fired because corrupt…
I looked up the place. It is in Polk County, Florida, which is known for having a crazy sheriff's department by Florida standards. The sheriff prides himself on being an asshole for no reason and abusing anti-racketeering laws to shut down legal businesses he does not like. I am not surprised that his boys are out…
If they are dicks, then they are dicks with exoskeletons. They look more like rolly pollies sitting on cushions. I can see the lobster tail thing, too.
I went to events like this several times one year when I had a roommate from another country determined to take full advantage of Wisconsin's culture. If it had a beer garden, he would take us there. Beer, fish fry, beer, fish with bacon, beer, fried cheese, beer... He knew the best deals on beer gardens and would get…
How in holy hell is it costing $1100 per test? I worked at a company that developed kits to test the backlog (to get around the problems from incorrectly performed, incorrectly stored and old rape kits). The current reagent costs are around $15/test*. It is similar at other companies, within 2-3 fold. If you run every…
Hi, could I get permission (burninthroughburners) and Jake Albrecht's permission to save your exchange to illustrate to others the points y'all brought up?
Office holders are master manipulators and will let people think they heard what they want to hear. I think they are pulling the wool over your eyes while saying "you are too smart to fool, but we are fooling those old religious fools. They annoy us, too." Don't let them butter you up like that.
"the shift on their policy on undocumented immigrants"
I called this back around 2002-2003 because I have the slightest modicum of familiarity with conservatism's disingenuous history.