John the Wet Blanket

Deported for assaulting a third grader child with a deadly weapon? No, deportation is far too mild a punishment for that. However, deportation after her prison sentence is done sounds like a good idea.

Academics have studied the CSI effect. No matter what the experimental approach, studies have consistently found no increase in acquittals and, if anything, a trend towards an increase in convictions from viewers of CSI and other crime shows.

"Shoulders are not obscene"

People abuse or even kill their children or adult offspring. Add a culture or subculture that approves of it, the ability to often get away with it (i.e., witnesses will not talk and disinterested and/or elected law enforcement), and you will get some people that actually do that crap. Loving families don't do this.

"where were these police..."

"The head-slammer had no consequences, despite camera footage"

"They find vulnerable kids who usually have been turned away by peers for a number of reason and then share their very conditional love."

Beware voting for the worst nutcase so that he will turn off voters. A lot of those guys are much smarter than they seem, they can moderate for the general election (especially at the state and local levels) and they can then win the seat. I am in Texas and the only election I cared about in the last cycle was a

How this works in practice:

They sanitize their message for mass consumption. They know they would look bad if they have someone come out and say they don't want their innocent children near these nasty girls. Ever seen someone you know rant with their friends, and then clean it up for their boss/company/Facebook post/etc.? They shift

"It is bad for the parents and the child"

"Cause when Democrats are faced with a choice between doing what's right or being only slightly better than the GOP, they will always choose the latter"

Well, not long before Kennedy's election so many Americans would never vote for a Roman Catholic...

Actually, universities will handle these situations like employers will. If you rape, rob, beat or otherwise harm another employee, this is the sort of process you can expect from your employer.

When I was growing up, there was a misprint in a telephone book that was corrected. However, hundreds of phone books were sent out with our number listed for an outlet shopping center. One time, after arguing with a caller who insisted that this was the outlet center, my sister finally said "yes, this is [store

I could hardly make out anything from that video. I saw two blurred people interlocked and stumbling forward.

They cited a case from the 11th Circuit that claimed the US Constitution did not guarantee sexual privacy and protecting public morality by stopping women from diddling themselves was a rational interest for the state of Alabama since the community is squicked out by the idea of women diddling themselves. This is

The most difficult problem with "ROWE" is criteria for performance. To take a real world example, the World Bank has effectively operated on a ROWE system for decades and it has worked horribly. The problem is that many of its loans have difficult to measure criteria for success. How do you measure the success of a

Four women I know have told me they have been sexually assaulted, molested, etc in one way or another. None went to law enforcement and I only see a clear motive for one of them failing to do so (the perp was providing child support and babysitting for the result of the rape).

The West Virginia constitution is online. Eligibility: