John the Wet Blanket

"stress is terrible for absolutely all bodily functions"

We have had trouble with this reviewers of our papers. These are biologists who should know better. Stress interacts with food intake, anxiety, pain, allergies and sleep, but not necessarily in predictable ways. Stress usually decreases anxiety, pain and allergies, for example, it typically decreases the amount slept

I am not sure why people are having trouble understanding what you are saying. A friend of mine works on endometriosis and he said it is unclear how common it is. He says it is often misdiagnosed.

Perhaps all news sites should develop an automated response to "why haven't the police made an arrest in this rape case." The most obvious possibilities (not mutually exclusive):

Am I the only one who noticed that the book was not actually banned? That it was simply taken off the reading list and is still in the school library for any student that wants to read it?

At least the pro-lifers in your area are not cowards. Back before the local Planned Parenthood clinic closed, I would walk by and see the pro-life protesters. I would nod acknowledgement and say hi, but most had trouble maintaining eye contact. When the clinic closed, only one of the protesters agreed to talk to the

Codswallop. I do not condone everything any friend of mine has ever done, nor do I believe their friendship with me is condoning everything I have ever done. I guess none of your friends have ever done anything wrong, huh? I guess you are completely pure and blameless and have never given anyone reason to stop being

The letter describes them as friends, or "work friends" if that is different. Also, as llaalleell pointed out, they are not condoning the harassment. In fact, according to the letter, they tried to stop it. I find it curious that you describe trying to stop said behavior as "they condone" the behavior.

Oh, right, "get better friends." It is nice that you can just go out and find better friends. If I was willing to walk away from the people I love, I wonder if I could just find better ones.

I talked with someone who knows a few dozen students attending that school and they were telling her before the news broke. The story she gave was horrific compared to the news accounts... So, stop reading if you get squeamish.

You misunderstand the logic behind what technologies are forbidden and which are allowed. As a general rule, the Plain People object to technology that disconnects them from their family and immediate neighbors. Personal automobiles allow a family to live and work with little or no contact with their immediate

They come because they heard they could attend parties with Jessica Fletcher, of course.

Going to the police and reporting yourself for a crime might force them to arrest and charge you. In court, they could argue "she reported the crime. We are not allowed to ignore crime reports."

Yes, they would be down with that. Look up Molly Ivins on YouTube "Warren Chisum even if he slips." There is a debate in the Texas State legislature back in 1993 and there is an interesting exchange. In the words of Warren "Especially if they're married. I can't imagine anyone who was married would do such a thing."

Law enforcement never kidnaps. The wrongfully arrest or detain which can result in a sternly written warning and advisory if they are not careful.

Progress is slow. Here in Texas, they finally began clearing the list of high school freshman-senior romances and teenage sexters. However, a friend of mine still knows a group of registered men from high school students whose sex crime was mooning the opposing team at a game (indecent exposure to children, ya know).

"Allowing" undergraduates to wear..? You are not reading what I wrote. Summary:

I did not get away with anything. As I replied to macktehknife, we cannot watch everything at once and when incidents happened they were dealt with according to the BMBL and institutional guidelines. I guess it should not surprise me that people give me so little credit when I gave a light hearted tone to something we

In any lab if enough years pass and you allow it to be used for educational as well as research purposes, you find these incidents. I (and other workers) cannot watch every student all the time.

You may tell any kind of joke if it is funny and you tell it well.