I’m just so disappointed that this article didn’t begin “Avril Lavigne isn’t dead--she’s born again.” It was RIGHT THERE!
I’m just so disappointed that this article didn’t begin “Avril Lavigne isn’t dead--she’s born again.” It was RIGHT THERE!
She seems mentally ill to me. It doesn’t excuse her behavior but it might explain it.
The jacket tho? That’s how you feel? Even if I was to suspend disbelief and accept that it is just a fashion statement and not a political one (which no one would believe but let’s go with that,) did no one think “This might not be a good look for today? Not today. Maybe tomorrow when I’m doing absolutely nothing in a…
Are white civil rights the ability to park an unlimited amount of unregistered vehicles and broken refrigerators in your trailer park while drinking Busch beer?
Psychopaths are really having a moment right now.
I was really impressed at how they took the best fighter in Marvel and turned him into an entitled, effete, skinny pants-wearing barista.
I realize this is always controversial to say, but if Scientology was written 2000 years ago, would it really be an appreciably different story than major world religions today? People seem to think that “old” things are somehow more “real” or “true” for some reason.
A man ‘giving birth’ to a woman from his rib should be a red flag to most sane people.
really though, is it any more far fetched than any religion? Say if you had never heard of any religion and they each explained their beliefs how would you not say all of them sound equally nuts?
Nope, can’t agree with you on the “no big deal” front. Okay, you found a way around the emissions test for your ‘83 Escort, which was putting out unacceptable levels of hydrocarbons, CO1, CO2, or NO. So maybe a buddy of yours at the garage tested a newer car and reported it as yours, or maybe you worked some…
Cheating VW diesels didn’t result in anyone’s death, come on. Be real.
Celeb lifestyle sites are just slicker forms of advertising. Gwenyth Paltrow wouldn’t be caught dead being in an infomerical, because that would cheapen her image. So instead these “high end”Ron Popeills come to her with a nice check, and she’s all of a sudden about putting healing crystals in her vagina.
Yeah my life ain’t great but hers seems like the hell of trying to get people to like and pay attention to her.
Hope you’re doing okay! But I can live Linsday’s lifestyle too if I stop taking my meds and start doing a Scarface level of cocaine.
This game sounds horrible.
Pretty sure that last one isn’t Rocksteady but a character from Usagi Yojimbo.
Am I bad man for finding Tiny Li’l Cyborg hilarious?
Cell phones were big deals in 1999.
Can’t answer that without seeing the van.