
If you pay for Hulu do you still get the commercials? I only did the free trial.

Interesting, thanks for the info. According to imdb, Strong directed 4 episodes (1,2,4,5) and the show has at least three other directors.

One thing to note about Broadchurch, the entire 8 episodes had two directors. I would guess that Gracepoint probably has a different director in nearly every episode. So I think that ties into what Myles might be saying about the direction not being as consistently strong.

You have a valid point and that is why I put co lead and not lead because I dont think the writers can get rid of Barry and replacing Rayner is not an option because this is FX and not a daytime soap. My point was that the writers might have changed their minds about Barry becoming Michael Corleone because of Rayner

The interesting thing is the last two episodes of The Bridge has had the least amount of Spanish spoken on the show but the ratings have been the lowest for the show. I get that you are saying that viewers might have stopped watching already because of the Spanish but I still find that interesting. Personally I

The Americans according to FX did extremely well if you count DVR plus 7.

Going back to read THR story about how the executives or producers of Tyrant were concerned that Omar Metwally (second choice to play Barry) did not have what it takes to carry a TV show seems laughable considering Rayner's performance.

Seems to me that the writers realized that Rayner is not compelling enough as a lead and that they needed to at least make Ashraf Barhom the co lead of the show even if Jamal might not be sympathetic enough of a character.

Agreed, I think the location issues are a huge factor in the renewal of the show. Season 2 will not be able to film in Israel, which means rebuilding the existing sets in Istanbul or somewhere else.

Didnt the show become a lot less controversial when SPOILER==========================================================
when it was revealed that Danny did not kill his aunt? Also wasn't the more interesting version of the show the one where Danny did actually kill his aunt?

The show resolved the Esme is her daughter not her niece story line, unlike Crisis. Catherine losing her job is more of an unhappy ending than a cliffhanger.

Edge of Normal, a six part webseries with 6 female leads. 5 teenage girls and one of the girls younger sisters all have various powers, think Heroes season 1. Being a webseries the budget is low but the sound effects and music is very impressive. The five oldest girls are most likely lesbian or bisexual, there are

Can't say I agree about the bilingual comment. The original Danish/Swedish version can't be topped in that regard since the Swedes speak Swedish and the Danes speak Danish the entire time (wish the subtitles were yellow for Danish and white for Swedish), but I think if you exclude the pilot for the FX version where

1) Gansa worked on 24 and the writers on that show and Homeland were/are notorious for changing their minds about story lines.
2) Don't get the argument that protecting the homeland only means worrying about what is going on inside the US.

Don't see how Stockholm Syndrome applies in the situation. Carter not knowing she was kidnapped does not mean Stockholm Syndrome does not apply but according to wikipedia Stockholm Syndrome usually involves "strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person
intermittently harasses, beats,

A guy posted his theory elsewhere. IVF. Fraternal twins are somewhat common with IVF. The brother Grant was born premature which might suggest that Elizabeth had fertility issues. Lori, the anonymous egg donor somehow finds out where her egg ended up, finds out that the Wilson's have two kids and for whatever

Kat Prescott was quoted in a recent interview and said that Megan is more interesting in writing than acting now.

Agree on both points about Prescott. I also like Jacoby-Heron as the sister. Was a little iffy about some of Carter's new friends at school. Two actors posted audition tapes for Ofe on youtube (One F..king Eyebrow?) and the actual guy playing the part actually pulled off dialogue that I thought sounded ridiculous

I am also more invested in Chasing Life than I probably should be, but for some reason I connect with the lead character and the actress, which allows me to overlook a few of the shortcomings of the show. Actually thought the carrot man was the device to get to the unexpected plot twist about Leo, though it does also

I watched the 15 minute preview that MTV put online last week. Not a full review but Prescott is terrific in the lead role and a lot happens in the first 9 minutes. Prescott was also quoted in an interview that I saw today that her sister is much more interested in writing than acting, and that is what Megan is