
I recall an Ang Lee quote that the pilot script for Tyrant was the best pilot script that he had ever read, or something close to that.

My pick for Bassam would have been Ali Suliman and we could have had a reunion of the two actors from The Kingdom. Not sure if Ali Suliman speaks English well enough to play a character that has lived in the US for 20 years though. Hell Fares Fares could have played Bassam as well.

Season is 20 episodes, my guess is almost all of the scenes in the promo are from the first 10 episodes, I am sure she will get there eventually.

The original was an ensemble but most of the main characters were female. Could be some interesting roles for actresses in the remake if they follow the original somewhat closely character wise. The father in the original for example would not be close to a lead character.

I thought Oliver telling Thea that she is the best of them, and that she has a good heart or something close to that, seemed to telegraph the dark journey Thea will go on with Malcolm.

I am sure that some of the one star reviews were based on the ending, but I almost gave up reading the third book several times. Third book is simply not good IMO.

Damian Lewis is now making a movie with Nicole Kidman thanks to winning an Emmy on Homeland.

There are two Secret Service agents when the kids are kidnapped and there is another SUV that is sent ahead to clear the restaurant where they plan to have lunch.

Homeland should rip off season 4 of The Wire. Instead of 4 teenage friends and which of them will escape the drug trade or the streets of Baltimore, set the season in Minneapolis. Four 19-21 year old Somali friends and the season would about which of the friends ends up being recruited by Al Shabaab and returns to

Victor's power might still be open to interpretation, but he showed Julie her biggest fear, the man who attacked and almost killed her, and in this episode, he showed Chloe's biggest fear, her mom's suicide attempt. With Julie and Chloe, I think Victor was trying to help them. Forcing Pierre to relive his biggest

Rabat Morocco

I agree. This is the border with Iraq, of course there would be a few guards that would speak Arabic.

There is a door to the balcony on the second floor that looks like a normal door. Lena used that door in the first episode when she got back into the house late at night.

Victor's "power", don't forget about the death of Julie's neighbor.

I did say that she wouldn't directly give away a spoiler. I can also see what you are saying, Carrie comes around to the idea of having the baby and than loses the baby tragically, blaming herself in the process.

Based on the Charlie Rose interview I think Carrie will end up having the baby. Claire wasn't going to directly give away spoilers but the way she talked about how the baby would finally be the one person in Carrie's life that she would finally have a real intimate relationship with, makes it likely that Carrie is

The season is in three acts according to the writers and the last act is clearly going to be involve Brody, but I am confused how any viewer of Homeland could really think that the whole point of season 3 was to exonerate Brody. Once he is exonerated (though he could be guilty), he lacks a clear function on the show.

I agree with Todd I am dreading the return of Brody and the likely ridiculous way the writers are going to try to connect his character to the story line this season. I just don't care if he is innocent of the bombing. I don't see Brody and his value as a potential double agent, if that is what the writers plan to

I actually wonder if the twist would have played better if it was revealed at the end of episode 2. When Saul comes to see Carrie at the psych ward he says something like "I am sorry I know you didn't agree to be put in a mental institution as part of our plan" and end with Carrie "F U Saul"

I have watched the whole series, twice actually.