Dr. Dick Lasers

Those states that Hillary didn’t even visit despite being advised to do so, you mean? And how about all those independents she couldn’t win over in the face of Donald fucking Trump, the candidate she herself boosted?

This take is dumb as fuck, and the classic Democrat’s approach to accountability — taking none. It’s just like how Democrats pretend Nader supporters were somehow to blame for Bush winning Florida, when some 300k Democrats straight-up voted for Bush. Bernie supporters voted for Clinton in greater numbers than Hillary

Eh, the people who are going to be hurt the most aren’t the ones who deserve it; more likely to be the same marginalized groups being hurt right now, just worse. Sounds like this game could have seen more nuance on that front, since, red or blue, the same policies are enacted against oppressed people. We still have

Im heartened by how many comments seem to find this to be a bad take.

Haweye(s) DLC was leagues above this one. Enjoyable campaign, and unique movesets. I still prefer to play either of them over the original cast. 

the “All Media Should Be For Me” attitude

Time travel shenanigans and purple archers are fun

Kotaku advertises Black Panther as the game’s best DLC, wow, I’m totally fucking shocked.

You’re not mentally well 

Given how consistently this website runs bad faith criticisms and take downs of people accused of a litany of thought crimes, it’s amazing how you pull out the kid gloves when talking about idiots like this.

hard agree

Please give Daniela Melchior more roles. Damn, did she have charisma.

I was pleasantly surprised after thinking the trailers were mediocre. Idris Elba is so effortlessly charming, it makes me mad how Marvel wasted him. I haven’t seen much of John Cena’s acting and this is probably my favorite. Enthusiastic jock really suits him.

Yea, I don’t fault Hoak Hogan for killing Gawker either.

Yup. Gawker deserved exactly what it got.

Off-topic: I agree that Peter Thiel sucks, but I don’t fault Hulk Hogan for Gawker’s demise. Publishing someone’s sex tape without their consent is an absolute sleazeball move, even when it’s of a big dumb wrestler.

You lose sympathy points for trying to blame Gawker’s demise purely on Hogan and Thiel and pretending that Gawker was blameless in that mess. Sorry but your old company’s management was moronic, unethical, and arrogant beyond belief. It’s a shame that Kotaku got caught in the crossfire but at the end of the day you

It’s not, but aren’t you aware that you are required to throw the baby out with the bathwater in 2021?

And how exactly is that relevant to the quality of this movie in particular?