I’m far from delighted at the prospect of Machine Games trying itself in knots trying to rehabilitate tomb raider Indiana Jones into something less culturally abhorrent.
I’m far from delighted at the prospect of Machine Games trying itself in knots trying to rehabilitate tomb raider Indiana Jones into something less culturally abhorrent.
You’re overestimating the amount of shame gamers can feel.
This review is just another Nathan Grayson post.
This looks a lot like a house filled with streamers. All their rooms look exactly like any other streamer’s room.
I think this article is a bit too “people have the means to be happy and they do it, the bastards”.
This is such a weird choice for a third person game.
You know who would have picked a black woman VP and didn’t gaffe regularly for 40 years?
This is the person y'all were tripping over yourselves to defend a year or so ago?
So I guess I’m the only one who thought this post was announcing that Kristofer Hivju had died or something?
Honestly after hearing this kid speak I am absolutely 100% in support of a lifetime ban from all video games and any sort of streaming content. If I hear one more person say ‘bro’ with no sense of irony I’m going to get adopted by their parents and be their actual brother I swear to god.
Both Fortnite and Ninja are beneath Lady Gaga, and for her own sanity she should drop this whole line of questioning entirely.
Can’t wait for blue haired manchildren and actual 10 year olds to complain about whatever changes are coming and have Epic backtrack on all of this to reinstate the original map.
I love how decidedly angry, aggressive, and insulting people get against someone who says “This sequel to a video game doesn’t need longer articles than Impeachment Inquiry articles on the Washington Post”.
This article is way too fucking long in service of a sequel to a mediocre game.
Slower gameplay? Colour me interested! I’d much rather play a game where I need to rely more on my noodle and think ahead rather than twitchy reflexes and mind numbing automation.
Who can forget the famous dirt ghost portion of Final Fantasy VII.
Ahh the Dirt Ghosts. How I’ve longed to see them in crisp HD.