Dr. Dick Lasers

and yet here we are all shitting our pants over yet another Star Wars where the people with the blue sticks hit people with the red sticks while the flying alphabets go pew pew.

Now if only he’d comment on Square’s Bad Business.

So, what, is it just going to be the key scenes in the game rendered in the FFXV engine to save money rather than remake the whole game?

Sounds like something Squeenix would do these days.

Yeah! Fuck rewards and the feeling of accomplishment!


The game boy grew up to be a walk man.

Wait. They ripped music from the Chrono series for this game?

The earliest relative humans existed as far back as two million years ago, and were probably having sex.

Slowtaku Strikes Again.

This is fucking irresponsible and just asking for trouble.

The number of people sidestepping the topic just to shit on one person they disagree with is hilarious.

No ad hominems here. The guy has been incredibly disrespectful to developers, critics (both of games and himself), and enjoys throwing his fanbase at them in an attempt to shut them up through sheer numbers.

Now playing

I’ve been burned by long lost super rare Sonic games before.

- There are no Moogles in the game, because they wouldn’t fit in with the game’s atmosphere.

Then use the code and get out of work. Duh. That’s what codes are for. Your boss won’t know what’s comin’.

Attack on Titan games should must be multiplayer. It’s the whole idea of the show.

Five years only makes sense if he was wearing shit like this, because it’s tacky as fuck.

How the fuck can there be a problem if an Avengers team has Galactus?


It’s unfortunate that this is the truth. I play with a bunch of my ladyfriends, and every time they use their mic in game they’re met with unbridled hostility and misogyny. It’s bullshit. People should be able to use their microphones to talk to people. Gaming is becoming more and more social, and the community should