Rick Sanchez

We dont need any thugs here either

Consider reading what I wrote.

Lol, she has a recepit that’s been posted here a few times over, that shows that the bike with that serial number was absolutely reserved by her, undocked by her, and redocked one minute later, which you can actually see happening in the video when they pushed her..

Her employer put her on leave. Secondly a family member put it up for legal fees she’s now been FORCED to have because of shithole sites like this and others that jump to conclusions without any or all facts.

Sure, they’re racist but you have ZERO fucking problems with a group of teams forcibly taking a bike from a pregnant woman.

You spelled “correct” wrong.

Blacks and black apologists NEED this narrative, it’s the only thing they have to defend their idiocy. Christ, black crime represents almost half of all crime committed by all races yet you’ll never hear about ANY of it here!

Yeah, because black Americans contribute so much and cause so little crime.

I think they call that gaslighting and it’s something power-hungry narcissists do. Interesting.

It’s fucking pathetic this is searchable on google. This was national fucking news because of assholes like Crump and Monique Judge.

She and her lawyer probably photoshopped that. /s

Did the last part of the article get cut off? It takes less than a minute on google to find an image of the receipt matching the number of the bike on the video and the explanation that if the bike is docked again within X minutes you don’t get charged.

Aw who gives a fuck, dude! Yes, it is, and these people are hateful, spiteful assholes. AND? It’s more damaging for them than us.

It didn’t decline her card, though. They took the bike from her by force and closed her lease, just happening to do so during the refund window. They also clearly had no claim to it given that she was the one with the receipt.

Some here are claiming she has no such ‘proof’. It seems to me she ‘reserved’ the bike, pulled it out, then put it right back (shown on vid as dude pushes her forward, re-docking the bike.)

I can’t wait to watch you all write her a check. Right along with CNN, NBC etc. Hopefully when this is all done between HHC, the City itself and numerous media orgs, she will never have to work again. 

Shut the fuck up. She’s a pregnant woman who was just trying to get home, and those dudes tried to punk her. She was just standing up for herself. 

Of course she became emotional... She is 6. Months pregnant, she just got finished with a 12 hour shift at work, and then she gets attacked by a gang of ghetto scum.

Lets see what tune she sings after her first coronary...

Suit lacks merit. They were not kicked out for being Black. They were kicked out for being (suspected) potheads.