Rick Sanchez

Oh Adam…

Stop trolling for wieners 

You are such a pussy 

He just wants to suck your dick

He just wants to suck your dick. 


You’re such a dick in the booty ass mf

Holy shit! The White Knight returns!

I’m sorry, I assumed you had at least a room temperature IQ and understood the basic premise of what I was saying. NIPPLES THAT AREN’T YOURS. I didn’t think I had to make that part clear. 

How dare she? I’m going out on a limb and going to assume by your pearl clutching that you’ve never even seen a bare human nipple in real life, let alone copped a feel in a theater before

“ItS jUsT nEvEr BeEn ImPlImEntEd cOrRecTlY”

That’s misogynistic. Bigot nazi 

Oh Adam, you’re a ACAB nut job too?

And you are a retard bigot

This guy is an imbecile. Think of comic book guy

Go have sex with a broomstick, cretin

Thank God we have white savior Adam yo police the root and keep us all safe!

He’s just trying to flirt with you and suck your cock

I’m starting to think you actually have Down syndrome 

Pay no attention to sweet young Adam, he is an admitted misogynist. I assume it has something to do with why his woman left him for a real man. Probably a conservative who knows how to lay the pipe. So now he’s mad at all women and people who have an ounce of Yang. She got tired of pegging him and listening to him