Rick Sanchez

Michelle shouldn’t complain so much. Her husband was the president of the U.S. The first African-American to hold the position. Can you even fathom the pressure on the man. Michelle was mostly celebrated. Barack was reviled by nearly half the population. If the man wasn't doing the dishes or taking out the trash,give

“People think I’m being catty by saying this...”

Coming to terms that Michelle is actually a dude?

LMAO “people will probably die.” Every time a woman has an abortion, someone dies.

RuPaul, obviously.

Superman is white, and changing the identity and race of an iconic character is pointless and will only piss off fans. There are tons of great characters for black actors that you shouldn’t have to shoehorn them into a role that doesn’t really fit them. Should Blade be white? If you want to make a Val Zod or Calvin

They missed the most obvious one - no one. Stop Blackwashing white culture.

No, Superman is Kryptonian.

As a black man, I think it would be super cool to see someone who looked like me (although maybe not 52 years old, short and slightly pudgy) don the S- but... it would Super Weird. Superman is Clark Kent. Clark Kent is a white dude. I suppose they could pull some Captain America shit, where Clark retires and a

Against the wall, right comrade?

Must have been the...

Then roll back your racist 94 crime bill you old goon.

No, it’s about the abject failure of liberal-run cities to do a single goddamned thing about crime for fear of being called “racist” on Twitter.  

If those women are your “surrogate” moms it’s no wonder Black culture is such a mess.

Meh,black people kill twice as many White people as White people kill black people.  And don't get me started on black on black murder!!!!

or MSNBC.  They suck too.

Hmmm. So...committed an act that may have been being held accountable and looking at fifteen years.

They’re claiming he was simply begging for food like a harmless street urchin. Just like Ms. Womack who knowingly, intentionally left out the violent parts and the glaring example of ‘soft on crime’ policies failing. Neely busted an old woman’s face and was given voluntary treatment.

It’s amazing how shallow and lazy you are with everything. You pride yourself as some champion of black humanity but you use the same formulaic template every single time.

You didn’t give two shits about the guy the day before he died. Now that he can be made useful in your race war he gets 100 articles.