Rick Sanchez

Who? Black people sure do feel entitled to accolades. Is this 2022's version of Beefing? Drive bys to Twitter Feuds to crying every time you’re not reminded that you’re the GOAT?  You’re not.  Sit down and shut up.

Mass murderers, huh?

It SHOULDN’T be relevant but you know damn well they weren’t mayo monkeys or it’d be screamed from the rooftops and there’d be 10x more comments.

LMFAO talking points. Crime is absolutely upNot just major cities either.

Here you go, fam:

Hmmmm, what color were those juveniles I wonder?  

Look at that. NOTHING from the outrage locusts. Not a fucking peep.

Clearly, this is the result of internalized white supremacy.

The issue is that the claim Jewish people are in charge of Hollywood/banks/governments/the world/space lasers all comes from the same antisemitic root. It’s the same thing antisemites have said for two thousand years, usually right before they show up with torches. You can say “it’s demographics” as loudly as you

What are the stats on hate crimes against whites?

Maybe your question should be why this news outlet is highlighting 16 instances of anti-black hate in october and not idk the 34 shooting that happened on one weekend in chicago

So out of the 788,000 black people in Chicago there were 16 reported racist hate crimes in October. Wow, what a torrent of hate....

Wow, you’re really going to reach back to the 1950's Mississippi to justify daily violent urban street crime that happens on the daily here and now?

Is this the best outrage fodder you got? Are you sure there’s not video of some service employee somewhere using the word ‘spook’ in a way that a bad faith actor could interpret as being racist? Must be a slow day . . .

Lots of crazy, racist black guys out there.

Regrettably yes. Worth mentioning he’s into sovereign citizen stuff, which means playing stupid games with language and law. They don’t recognize state and federal government as legitimate and will pull stuff like “I’m not a person, I’m a man and those laws only apply to people.”

I like how you make everything racial, except when a black man kill’s a bunch of white people with their car.

Well the two didn't engage in a shoving match.  Only Bubba engaged in a shoving match.

He should “call out” what the facts support.  Vaccine uptake among non-whites is significantly less than their share of the population, despite herculean efforts to give non-whites priority in vaccination.