Clearly Covid is racist. Right?
Clearly Covid is racist. Right?
Police kill plenty of white people. 457 of them in 2020. Fuck off with your “only black people face oppression” bullshit. Save it for someone who believes your lies. Radical lack of fucking intelligence is more like it amirite?
the world is a ghetto. war 1972.
I love woke logic. First try to cancel someone. And then when you fail to cancel someone try to gaslight everyone into believing that cancel culture doesn’t exist. We failed so let’s pretend we never tried!
‘It will lead to privileges deciding who can work for Apple, not who’d be the best fit,’ the group wrote.
“like white adults resented me for starting puberty early.”
There supposedly is a dad. Guess he’s not dong his job. Probably due to racism.
Less often. Cuz it works
All you apologists: kid got busted AGAIN for bike-jacking!
Then you’re a fucking racist. Bet you scream to the heavens daily about being white. Oppressor. Colonizer. Heh.
Look at that. No condemnation of this woman’s actions just deflection and whatabouts. Again...some of you really want carte blanche.
Guess not. You replied. I’m white. We’re ALL racist, remember?
Trump has been investigated almost more than any American ever in our history. If he’s not been indicted, then maybe he didn’t commit any crimes. Perhaps you should put less credence to media reports and use your own brain to figure these kinds of things out.
There are 15 Black billionaires in the world. Ten of them are Americans.
if only there was a father figure in the home.
Oh, I was waiting to hear The Root talk about how this is whitey’s fault.
Can’t believe the lies and perpetuation here. I notice I’m essentially shadowbanned.
Some of you quite literally want carte blanche
Such an intellectual response from the opposing side. You ppl never offer intelligent responses. When you get frustrated its, “die, eat shit, I’m a fucking ball of emotional rage.” So you want ppl to be executed because of their skin color and beliefs. How exactly do you differ from those you despise?