Rick Sanchez

Keep on pedo-ing

Keep on cho’ing

What happened, Chester? Find a piece of candy in your pocket???  Keep jacking off to the Baby Gap catalog you cocksmooch 

You can check my history, playboy. Only commie racist fags are pedos. Maybe you and your girlfriend mr t can go on a pedo adventure together.

Pay no mind to Mr T, he is a self admitted pedophile.

Difference is: ive never posted about being a cuck, therefore- its all in your mind. You, on the other hand, have posted about being a pedo. Ha ha. I win. Pedophile.

Call me whatever you want, you’re the only one who walks into Victoria’s Secret and asks “do you make this is kids size?” Kys faggot

Got what?

Imagine how much of a dick-eater you’d have to be to think checking the root every day made you cool.

Just doing my good deed for the day: calling out racists

3. MrT needs to stay <500 feet from bus stops

Your Daddy

Cry more, pussy

Ladybugs with Dangerfield and Taylor-Thomas

The answer is obvious: White Supremacy 

Oh no! Reddit mods cant be hall monitors any more! What a bunch of deplorables 


How apt 

Karens be Karening

Adam wishes they’d make a movie about him 🫢