And you just continue to prove my point: you are an ignorant slob.
And you just continue to prove my point: you are an ignorant slob.
Uh huh… yeah… sure…
You ARE the retard you pose as
But you’ll simp for Jonah Hill (who is also white), making you not only a pedo sympathizer, but a racist and misogynist as well. Got it!
Nice copy paste job, retard. The difference is: I haven’t wished ill on you or yours. I’ve stated facts, that you are an uneducated rube who fancies penises in your mouth and ass. But wishing harm on you and your family is something i simply haven’t done. Sorry to invalidate your theory. Keep trying, Skippy
Only the poors talk like that. Viva la revolution, comrade!
Aww.. she’s so cute… now run along and use your boss’s wifi and “stick it to those asshole yank capitalists” while you’re slinging burgers!
You’re adorable when you’re mad 😘
Wow, so she did what this bitch and Juicy Smollett did? What awful people!! I agree, ALL people who do this are vile and insipid creatures who should be treated without mercy.
Just like the other poors, you can only resort to vulgar language and violent outbursts. Clip your coupons and stay in moms basement
Spoken like a true marxist racist fucktard. Stay broke, bitch
dUr HuR uMa DuM cAnAdIan. Enjoy your food stamps commie, stay broke
Tough talk for a dick-eating canuck cuckold commie retard welfare check grabber
You mean peaceful protests?
I’m starting to think we’re just having fun at the expense of the disabled. Shame on us. Poor Adam probably has Down Syndrome. They give him a Fisher Price hammer and tool belt and he make-believes he’s a carpenter or something.
I’ve been rockin’ with The Hill since the early 90’s! Some of the true goats🤘
This doesn’t come close to resembling a rational thought or making any sense. You are an imbecile
Go take your meds, Adam
I know facts and you do jive. It’s okay, Adam. Go play with a toy or something
It’s your lie, I’ll let you tell it. You responded to my comment first. Whatever helps you sleep at night, though.