You’d be sucking MY dick, how does that make me gay?
You’d be sucking MY dick, how does that make me gay?
Oh yeah, ladyboys are my favorite. Don’t threaten me with a good time
And she would have been crucified for faking her abduction
So calling pedos “faggot” is wrong? AMIRITE??
Especially the misogynoir
Actually, depending on where in the world you are: it might behoove you. You can cry racism and whinge all you’d like but it’s called common sense.
Thats rich coming from you, Adam
If she were White she’d be a “Karen”
You aren’t allowed to say that
I’m not the one who tried to justify pedophilia. Just saying….
Masks were stupid, candace
Dont cry
Brain cells
At least I’m not raising other dudes kids while they plow my wife. Incel retard
What happened, David? Did some one pull your chain, tap your glass, or rattle your cage door? Did your wife let you watch her and your baby’s daddy fuck again?
Oh, it make’s perfect sense. Look up ya boy’s post history. He’s a chomo. He knows wtf im talking about.
Shut yo babydick touching ass up, faggot
Couldn’t have, dick is too small.
Dick eaters like you dont talk about them either