Rick Sanchez

Blacks should look after their own like Jews do

I got more than you, a closeted racist who can’t type a complete thought nor make a single cognizant argument.


You sound ignorant af

A hero emerges 

Hello Pot, meet Kettle.

You aren’t allowed to have an opinion on the matter, cracker! Now, apologize for your whiteness!

Hell yes, THIS is good news

Just like Nancy’s amazing day trading record!

Once again, top notch journalism from the root

Why isn’t there common sense acid control legislation??? No one should be able to just walk around with a bottle full of acid! How did this dangerous weapon end up in the hands of a child? It’s past time we ban things like this!

You tell him!

All Chomos Are Bastards

All Chomos Are Bastards

You forgot DJ Paul and Juicy J (Three 6 Mafia) 


Baby’s Daddy and your wife let you watch? Find a piece of candy in your pocket? How many people did you apologize to for being white at the water park? Im starting to think you’re obsessed.

Hush, little pederast


You seem salty down here in the greys