Rick Sanchez

Says the fag whos self proclaimed mission is the “call pussies out on the root”?? FOH

You have my vote for cracker of the year! For all your work being an ally and calling people out and saving BIPOC from the evil racists! Yay Adam!!!


You’ve definitely explained it thoroughly. You feel good about yourself because you’re a two time obama voter, you smile at black people, occasionally you’ll go into town and find a couple to come to your house and pleasure your wife, and you spend the rest of your free time on the root “sticking it to the racists and

You think drunken rage posting calling everyone who dunks on you a racist is “giving back”???

The resident white jesus, Adam Whitney, is really letting the rest of the denizens here at the root what he thinks of us and himself today  

You’re a gentleman and a scholar, Adam. No one can deny that! What with all of your selfless philanthropy and tireless efforts and contributions not only here on The Root, but to humanity as a whole. What would we all do without you?

You think of that all by yourself while you were puffin on your little pipe? You’re loser cuck with little man syndrome. 😘

Enjoy yourself! Im sure your wife’s bf appreciates you taking such good care of his kids!

Aww… the resident white savior is back trolling again.

Yeah, he just kept going and going too. Jeez, bro.

And he’s insulting your intellect 😂😂😂

You should have read MrT’s rabid defense of pedophiles recently on AV.

Its Thumbs his nose not thumps

Holy shit, the diddler is back! Literally  😂😂😂

You’re doing it again… you’re making stuff up and typing it. At least you have a colorful imagination.

Omg you’re so deep… 🙄 I’ll call you 50 shades of queef

Still trying to buy votes! Dems will give you the shirt off someone else’s back.