
Great story, Chico. Do you mind if I call you Chico?

I consider Bug a romantic comedy in a Michael Shannon universe. He gets the girl at the end, and then they set each other on fire.

A great way to judge this question is, if [insert name] made something with Ashton Kutcher, would you still watch it? This literally happened with Sam this year, and not even Sam could get me to do it.

Mads disinterested face, is more interesting than pretty much everybody.

If Goodman only did Coen Brother films, he'd be universally considered one of the greatest actors of his generation. He still is, but less people seem to realize.

Michael F'n Shannon. Even in a piece of shit, he's going to be interesting.

I'm Barry Lutz!

At the very least, Tiny Joe Pesci should be an Adult Swim show.

Rooney and Kate Mara star as the Simpson Sisters.

"Don Mattel, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your home on Barbie and Ken's wedding day. May their first child be a GI Joe."

"Fredo Price is banging cabbage patch dolls, two at a time!"

I hope the first scene is an angry Fisher Price leaving a My Little Pony head at the foot of Hasbro's bed.

The show aired on PBS.

So much greatness packed into ten minutes.

Am I the only person that watches Beck's ten minute version of Where It's At from In Session at least once a month?

A booze colored Beck record is like making a Minor Threat album that looks like angel dust.

Christmas classic.

I don't know how or why, a VHS copy of a movie called The Little Dragons, showed up in the family movie cabinet, but there it was when I was five or six years old, and I watched the shit out of that movie, having no idea that it was supposedly "terrible."

I try not to make a habit out of telling people what to do, but you and The Bends should probably happen at some point.

My stock line used to be, "Blue is better, because Pinkerton's greatest acclaim was being ahead of a time that has already passed, meanwhile Blue remains timeless." But this recent (terrible) Emo revival renders that somewhat untrue. Emo just needs to pass again, then I can dust it off.