
I like The Bends and Blue better than both. I don't do well with change, obviously.

One of my favorite non-Albini drum sounds of the nineties.

That actually seemed to be Lester Bangs actual opinion of Bowie.

Watching Joe leg drop Breitbart through a press table.

Astro turf in the hallway.

Knock Down Drag Out and Simple Pages were pretty good, but your point is not lost.

Thanks, Obama.

"Get me the prop master from The Crow."

The jury was perplexed at the sentencing when Reeves chose to forgo punishment in favor of one last wave.

She is the star of a network TV show you and I would never watch.

Seven times more Sufjan Stevens than Stooges is just being aggressively Modell at this point.

I see them as The Ramones of their time. They kicked music in the ass, watched all their peers become more successful, and will look and sound exactly the same for the rest of time.

Long time ago, homie. "Shake it like a polaroid picture" was being said unironically, and teenagers still knew what it meant.

Dave Navarro could totally be part of this Feldman project, and arguably, should be. Full circle.

Yeah, I remember that. Lane later called it a misunderstanding. I hope she wasn't covering for him. Cherry Valance is a goddess.

Fighter is still part of Madison Square Garden's playlist before every boxing event. It's like Rocky Theme Music, LL Cool J's mama telling him to knock you out, and Aggs' Fighter. I choose Fighter.

Christina Aguilera's Dirrty was still on the charts when that last LOTR came out. Feld-Dog is making things happen in 2016.

In Goonies, but not a Goonie. Davi taking a drag of a cigarette is performance art.

2016 Goonies Power Rankings

The AVClub.