
The show Carson Daly left TRL for 15 YEARS AGO is still on the air. It still sucks. Nobody ever has, or ever will watch it, yet it's still there. It's like Milton in the basement doing who the fuck knows what down there.

Ryan Adams looks like one of the few humans who smells worse than Julian Casablancas, which is about where his triumphs over Casablancas end.

This sounds like Scientology.

I actually found this joke very informative. Off to Discogs I go.

If a tree falls in Tidal, and nobody is subscribed to hear it, does it really sound any better than Spotify?

Spoilers: This will suck.

Dude, literally can't stop hanging out with billionaires. Jimmy Carter, he is not.

Outkast - BOB. Over and over, for eight straight years.

I went to Family Values 1998. I went for Rammstein, but still, Jesus.

Tepid as that was, that still might be the nicest thing said about Korn in 19 years.

I need to know what those songs are.

I think it might be time to consider that as bad as Limp Bizkit was, Korn was even worse.

The halfway finished eating Willie Nelson look. Timeless.

Big Mike Shannon above all.

Whatever you do, do not look for the dick from Moby Dick.

Somehow, I didn't know of that mural's existence before now, so thank you for that.

Nothing snarky to say, just that I love that man.

Ever since my girl got dicked by Ricky Powell, I've been feeling depressed, so this really cheered me up.

Cheap, lazy, and true.

Both are masterpieces, although the movie is more so. I re-watched the movie a few months ago, for the first time in a decade, and was struck again by how fucking good it is. It's one of those movies, that after it ends, you just sit there and wonder, maybe even aloud, "What now?"