
Ok, so if the Stark ladies were in cahoots, why were they pretending last week when Littlefinger wasn’t even in the room?

Damn, this ain't bad!

Pinner is by far Oskar Blues' best offering. GREAT summer beer!


That is clearly the only possible explanation. Will you be my night in shining armor?!

Where the fuck is Insecure?,

I think you missed a few things in Zootopia friend…

"3. Chance The Rapper, “All Night”

A vote for BJ Barham's new solo record "Rockingham"

What's the original song being covered?

While I disagree, I laughed my ass off at your description

For the most part, but I stand by 3-4 tracks

No mention of the final track, "Stand Tall"?

"Lawrence smashing the h@ll out of the Tasha chick, at the expense of Issa"

I thought we dropped this?

Then why keep replying?

"Can we drop it?" - Sure. It was a back and forth, I'd said my piece.

So "I bet you're fun at parties." is a compliment? Not a sarcastic, tired comment trope?