
And anyone playing fantasy games should become a REAL wizard!

So now I get to spend another decade being pissed about not attending Space Camp?!


I mean, you DID come at him with an insult first… Did you expect him to respond with vociferous agreement and thanks?

Point taken, but I'm not sure that changes anything…

Nah. Ramsey knew he was dead already.

D&D said his CGI was too expensive, and that it was him or wun-wun

You forgot "Father…" parts 1 & 2…

God I'd have loved that…

+ 1 alive dire wolf 🐺 for both this and the 1st two responses…

How does this not have more likes?!

No one gonna mention that Laird abandoned that kid to Adam and Jessa?

Teflondre has NEVER been funny (the pun, not the concept). This show loves to beat you into submission with unfunny jokes.

Couple of things: 1) I can't believe how long I went without knowing that Claire was Happy Gilmore's girlfriend! 2) Pretty sure she had "some work done" both between HG & Modern Fam, then more before this season. Anyone else?